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ANTM Cycle 13: America's First Petite Top Model

This afternoon's episode of the Tyra Banks Show was a toga party of America's Next Top Model Cycle 12 (airs its 2-hour premier tonight on CW) where Tyra and every girl in the audience ---there were no males by the way-- wore a goddess costume, Tyra's was metallic gold and every one else's was white. At the beginning of the show, Tyra informed the viewers that nobody in the audience was taller than 5'7" and later revealed the reason why.

Tyra said that one of the questions she's always been asked by the female audiences of her talk show is why all the models have to be very tall and if she will ever cast short girls for America's Next Top Model. So this afternoon, she surprised the audience (and me as a viewer) that the next season of ANTM will be for girls whose height is not taller than 5'7''. She repeatedly said that even 4'10'' girls  can audition for the casting of ANTM Cycle 13.  According to her, she has done a lot of efforts to to convice her "bosses" to make this "1st petite model" idea happen. 

So to all short girls out there who dream of becoming models, this is your chance (and might be the only chance) to shine on the runway!



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